Rady: hľadám si prácu v ITJob SearchPráca v Severnom Írsku - aký je plat programátora?

Práca v Severnom Írsku – aký je plat programátora?


IT sektor v Severnom Írsku naďalej rastie a rozvíja sa, najmä v oblasti vývoja softvéru. Írsko ponúka voľné pracovné pozície vyžadujúce zručnosti v oblasti software development: Java, C#, C++, SQL a Oracle. Jedná sa o pozície ideálne s troj- až päť-ročnými skúsenosťami, ale obsadzujú sa pozície na všetkých úrovniach. Odmeny v tejto oblasti sa zvýšili, aby prilákali kandidátov zo zahraničia.  V článku nájdete orientačný plat programátora a ďalších IT pozícií.

Spolu s našim írskym partnerom ponúkame pracovné pozície v Severnom Írsku pre testérov a programátorov Java, .NET, Android, a v iných technológiách.

Okrem nájdenia práce v Belfaste, pomôžeme aj s prvými krokmi v novom prostredí – ubytovanie, úrady, školy, zdravotný a daňový systém.


The IT sector is continuing to grow and develop in Northern Ireland over the last 12 months with further escalation in software development positions. One difference this year has been the incredible success of our local development houses within their respective markets, and this has translated into strong expansion plans for established names in the market.

Inward investment also remains strong with a number of new global names added to Northern Ireland’s impressive company roster. A subtle difference here is that not all of them are purely development focused. Instead, we have seen companies look to bring expert infrastructure support and take advantage of some of the great customer service and technical skills in NI. This has helped diversify what job opportunities are available.

The IT market in general remains strong and has been relatively untouched by the wider economic problems of the last few years. If anything, the only factor that is hindering further growth in the country is an increasingly competitive and difficult candidate market. These supply and demand pressures are one of the growing concerns in the marketplace with every IT company feeling them in some regard.

High demand skills within the software development sector include Java, C#, C++, SQL and Oracle. We are seeing this requirement for skills at all levels, but increasingly the main area of difficulty is in the intermediate three to five years’ experience range.


Yearly Salary Levels


Chief Technology Officer £65.000-£120.000
Operations Manager £50.000-£70.000
Head of IT Function £55.000-£75.000

Software Development

Engineering/Development Manager £45.000-£65.000
Principal Developer/Tech Team Lead(java/.net) £38.000-£55.000
Oracle Applications Consultant £40.000-£50.000
C/C++ Developer £28.000-£45.000
Java Developer £22.000-£47.000
C#/.Net Developer £22.000-£45.000
Web Developer £18.000-£35.000
Database Developer £30.000-£45.000
Multimedia/Graphical/Web Designer £21.000-£35.000
Delphi Developer £25.000-£40.000
User Interface Specialist £22.000-£40.000
Android Developer £25.000-£35.000
IOS Developer £25.000-£35.000
UX Designer £22.000-£35.000

System Analysis

Business Systems Analyst/Consultant £28.000-£50.000
Principal Engineer/Systems Architect £45.000-£65.000
Business Intelligence Consultant £30.000-£50.000
Data Warehouse Consultant £35.000-£55.000


Support Administration

Database Administrator  £28.000-£50.000
Unix/Linux Administrator £25.000-£48.000
Network Systems Administrator £25.000-£45.000
Network Engineer £25.000-£45.000
Help Desk Support £16.000-£26.000
Application Support Consultant £22.000-£40.000
Virtualisation Engineer £25.000-£45.000
Infrastructure Manager £30.000-£48.000



QA Manager £40.000-£55.000
QA Lead  £36.000-£45.000
QA Automation Engineer £23.000-£38.000
QA Manual Engineer  £23.000-£34.000


ERP Consultancy/Specialist Roles

SAP Consultant £30.000-£35.000
SAP Basis Consultant £35.000-£60.000
Oracle App (Functional/Technical) £35.000-£60.000


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