Spolu s našim írskym partnerom ponúkame pracovné pozície v Severnom Írsku pre testérov a programátorov Java, .NET, Android, a v iných technológiách.
Okrem nájdenia práce v Belfaste, pomôžeme aj s prvými krokmi v novom prostredí – ubytovanie, úrady, školy, zdravotný a daňový systém.
Aké platy sú v Severnom Írsku?
Severné Írsko má potenciál stať sa najrýchlejšie rastúcou ekonomikou na svete (v prepočte na obyvateľa). Má 7 miliónov návštevníkov za rok, a je najúspešnejšou krajinou v Európe na prilákanie zahraničných investícií (na hlavu). Severné Írsko má najväčší vývoj softvérového priemyslu vo Veľkej Británii a najlepšie širokopásmové siete v Európe. Daňové príspevky a národné poistenia sú odpočítané celkovo cca 21% z hrubých príjmov, a samozrejme platenie národného poistenia zabezpečuje bezplatnú lekársku službu, dotované stomatologické služby a príspevky na penzijné pripoistenie. Belfast je spoločenský a životné náklady sú jedny z najnižších v Európe.
WELCOME to Belfast
Northern Ireland has the advantage of being geographically within Ireland, while being an economic part of the United Kingdom. That translates into a friendly Irish welcome, stunning surroundings of rugged coastline and lush greenery as well as UK law, taxation, health service and the best education system in the UK.
Belfast, the capital city of Northern Ireland is located just 2 hours from Dublin, 90 minutes from Scotland by sea and just 40 minutes from England by air. Belfast is serviced by two airports just 20 minutes from the city centre and Dublin airport less than two hours and €8 by coach. With a total population in Northern Ireland of just 1.7M and 270K in the City itself, it is a small and accessible city and has the youngest population in Europe. In a 2014 survey by Moneysupermarket.com, Belfast was named as the second best city in the UK with the “best quality of life.”
Working in Belfast
In a business setting Northern Ireland (NI) has the potential to be the fastest growing economy in the world (on a per capita basis). We have 7M visitors per year and we are the most successful country in Europe at attracting foreign investment (per capita). NI has the largest software development industry in the UK and the best broadband network in Europe.
Recent investments in the city include 800 sq ft city centre shopping emporium (Victoria Square) costing £400M, The Titanic Quarter (where the unsinkable Titanic was actually built) alone will provide 25,000 jobs over the next 5-10 years and various Fortune 100 companies opening European offices in Belfast and nearby Derry.
Tax and National Insurance Contributions are deducted from salary at a total rate of around 21% of gross earnings and of course paying National Insurance insures free medical service, subsidised dental service, and pension contribution.
Life in Belfast
Belfast is sociable, and as one of the lowest rates of living in Europe it remains economical for companies and individuals. The average cost of renting a 2 bedroom apartment in the city is £450-£600 stg. Shared accommodation amongst professionals is available from around £250 sterling.
Northern Ireland is recognised by the British Council as having the lowest cost of living in the UK (or Ireland). We estimate, as a guide, that you should allow around £7000 to cover your personal expenses for one year. Belfast is one of the safest cities to live in within Europe too, with low crime rate.
The city is home to various festivals and events throughout the year as well as hosting many cultural attractions. But let’s not forget in such a small country – nowhere in Northern Ireland is more than 2 hours away by car/coach so there is lots to do and see throughout the country.
The Average Cost of Living in Belfast
Meal at an inexpensive restaurant | £9.72 |
Meal for 2 with 3 courses, mid-range restaurant | £35.00 |
Combo meal at McDonalds, etc. | £5.00 |
Domestic Beer (0.5 litre draught) | £3.50 |
Imported Beer (0.33 litre bottle) | £3.45 |
Wine (10 cl glass, depending on brand) | £4.00 |
Cappuccino | £2.47 |
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 litre bottle) | £1.22 |
Water (0.33 litre bottle) | £1.00 |
One way ticket | £1.85 |
Monthly Pass | £50.00 |
Taxi Start | £2.72 |
Taxi 1km | £0.90 |
Gasoline (1 litre) | £1.38 |
Monthly Rent and Living Costs
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre | £546.00 |
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside city centre | £382.00 |
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in city centre | £842.00 |
Apartment (3 bedrooms) outside city centre | £570.00 |
Utilities (electricity, heating, water etc. for small apartment) |
£109.00 |
1 minute of prepaid mobile tariff local (no discounts or plans) | £0.13 |
Internet (6 Mbps, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) | £23.00 |
Achieving the Work-Life Balance
Our economy is thriving. New industries are being created. Cities are being revitalised with millions being invested in regeneration. There is a new cultural vitality, pride and optimism. Instead of emigrating, our brightest graduates are staying. Tourism is thriving too, with new visitors discovering our humour, hospitality, scenery and quality of life
‘The Troubles’ (as the Civil Strife came to be known as) finally ended with the ceasefires of the early 90s. With the return of normality, Northern Ireland has blossomed. Today the people of Northern Ireland are confidently looking forward to building a new future together.
Worker Permits
You don’t need a permit to work in the UK if you are any of the following:
· A British citizen
· An EEA (European Economic Area) citizen
· A Swiss national
EEA countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
National Insurance Numbers
In order to work in Northern Ireland you will need a national insurance number which is personal to you and no one else should use this number.
To obtain this you need to contact one of the following Jobs & Benefits offices and ask for National Insurance section-
Portadown – Armagh Tel: +44 28 3839 7200
Shaftsbury Square – Belfast Tel: +44 28 9054 5500
Lisnagelvin – Derry/Londonderry Tel: +44 28 7131 9300
Office selection is based on your address. Initial contact will be a telephone interview. You will be called in for a face to face interview at your local Jobcentre or Jobs & Benefits office. Evidence is required to prove that you are working.
The Health System
Healthcare is provided through the National Health Service (NHS). Most NHS care is free, although items such as prescriptions and dental treatment may need to be paid for.
EEA nationals may use NHS facilities in the same way as UK citizens, provided they have the correct E forms. A reciprocal agreement between member states enables you to get urgent medical treatment free in the UK. In order to claim this entitlement you will need to have a European Health Insurance Card. The European Health Insurance Card was introduced in 2006, to facilitate access to healthcare in the EU and to speed up the reimbursement of costs.
On arrival to Northern Ireland you should register with a local health centre where you will be assigned to a doctor. Your doctor can treat most illnesses but may refer you to a hospital if you require tests or your condition is more serious.
NHS hospitals provide free healthcare. If you are involved in an accident or suddenly take ill, you may need to go to Accident and Emergency (A&E).
The number to call for an ambulance is 999 they will take you to the A&E at the nearest hospital. For most other hospital treatment, a referral from a doctor is necessary.
Private medical care is also available, usually paid for with private medical insurance.
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