poznáme.itBezpečnosťWould you like to attend the QuBit 2015 Cybersecurity Conference in Prague...

Would you like to attend the QuBit 2015 Cybersecurity Conference in Prague on May 13-14?

QuBit 2015If the answer is yes, we have the perfect opportunity for you. All you need is a bit of time, hard work, and dedication. QuBit is a community of the top industry experts and thought leaders. But how could we truly be a community if all groups weren’t represented?

We know attending an event like QuBit might be financially out of reach for many of you. That’s why we designed a “cracking” contest, where the first 5 students will get the chance to attend QuBit free of charge.

However, only two students will be allowed from the same class to prevent sharing of answers. Additionally, since your entry will be free (a €999 value), we will ask of you to help us with some organizational tasks. These will be specified later, but they will not interfere with your attendance of presentations.

Additionally, we ask each student to submit a 1-2 page paper along with the decrypted message detailing the steps taken to crack the hashes.

We will post the hashes to be cracked at www.qubitconference.com/contest/Students2015.

If you crack the codes and get the message, send it to us at moc.e1737625166cnere1737625166fnoct1737625166ibuq@1737625166ofni1737625166 and we will check your work and let you know within a few days whether you will be the lucky one that will going to QuBit free of charge.

Here are a few highlights to look forward to:

  • We look forward to seeing you on May 12-14 in Prague.
  • Download the QuBit 2015 Agenda
  • APT Training provided by first hand national responders from CSIRT SK and CZ
  • Brilliant speakers and incredible guests, including internationally acclaimed speakers such as Ondrej Krehel, Etoy Maor, Joseph Shamon, Stuart Hyde, Ahmed M. Neil and others
  • As a valued member of the cybersecurity community within CEE region you will meet visionaries and luminaries in cybersecurity field and be able share valuable information
  • Members can earn up to 26 CPE credits

 We hope you’re as excited about this as we are, and that we will get a chance to meet you in Prague.

For information about the conference visit www.qubitconference.com or contact us at moc.e1737625166cnere1737625166fnoct1737625166ibuq@1737625166ofni1737625166.

Happy cracking!

Do not push, the door is open.

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