BlogWin 1 Million Euro In ONLINE Competition CEE Scaleup Challenge

Win 1 Million Euro In ONLINE Competition CEE Scaleup Challenge

Win 1 Million Euro In ONLINE Competition CEE Scaleup Challenge 2

Vestbee, the leading regional matching platform that connects global VC funds, corporates, accelerators and business angels with startups and scaleups from Central & Eastern Europe launched the next edition of the biggest regional online competition – CEE Scaleup Challenge.

Fast-growing SMEs from Central & Eastern Europe and DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) that are raising pre-series A, series A and beyond will have a chance to win 1 million euro investment from Next Road Ventures and present their business to many recognizable VC funds and corporates such as InnoEnergy, Accel, Balderton Capital, Credo Ventures, Alfabeat, Iron Wolf Capital, bValue, Simpact, PROfounders Capital, Engie, PGE Ventures, Talanx, Amazon or EIT Digital. The application deadline is March 29th.

One of the special prizes supported by InnoEnergy, Strategic Partner of the competition, is the invitation to the InnoEnergy’s Fast Track to Investment – program dedicated to energy, cleantech and mobility companies. Selected scaleups will get direct support from InnoEnergy’s wide network of experts and energy partners in the areas of technology development and industrialization, internationalization and market expansion, commercialization and business development, coaching, mentoring and above that fundraising support.

Selected applicants will also get e.g. media coverage from MamStartup, tickets to leading events including InfoShare and Webit, as well as many special prizes and discounts on different business tools and services provided by Amazon Web Services, HubSpot, DigitalOcean, Brand 24, Revolut Business and Zieba & Partners legal company.

Who should apply for CEE Scaleup Challenge?

Growing companies from Central & Eastern Europe and DACH raising post-seed/pre-series A, series A and beyond. Their operations should fit in broad categories of Business & ICT, SaaS, AI, Analytics, Big Data, Fintech & Insurtech, Smart Cities & Home, Industry 4.0 & Proptech, Planet & Sustainability, Healthcare & Wellbeing.

Additional information about the program and participation opportunities is available at website.

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