Network Security Specialist /Palo Alto, Checkpoint/

    • TPP
    • Bratislava
    • Plat: od 2100€
    • Žiadosti boli uzavreté
    • On-Site

    Position: Network Security specialist
    Contract type: TPP
    Location: Bratislava
    Salary: 2100+ EUR/month

    You will be responsible for:

    • Providing day to day global network security operation
    • Implementing secure system configuration standards with associated documentation
    • Operational lifecycle management of security devices
    • Review & implementation of technical change requests
    • Collaboration with local & regional IS teams in delivering day to day network security services
    • Security log file management
    • Ensuring compliance of the current network security environment

    Key skills:

    • Should have overall 2 – 3 years of relevant IT security experience e .g. in a roll as firewall administrator
    • Technical knowledge in the specific technical area (e .g. Next Generation Firewall)
    • Knowledge of basic networking concepts, such as VLANs, Routing, Firewall, Wireless etc.
    • Experience in the following products / Technologies or related:
    • – Palo Alto Firewall Management – PANORAMA NGFW/IPS (Primary focus)
    • – Checkpoint Firewall Management – SMART-1 (Primary focus)
    • – Network Configuration Management + scanning (Primary focus)
    • Strong analytic skills to diagnose on security processes and procedures
    • Understanding of different technical domains and the security issues around them

    Qualifications that will set you apart:

    • A degree or equivalent from a reputed institute
    • A certificate of education on one of the leading security technologies
    • Formal training and preferably certification in network security technology & concepts such as CCNA, ECH, CISM, CISSP, etc.

    Network Security Specialist /Palo Alto, Checkpoint/ 2

    Nájdeme Ti nových kolegov a prácu, aby si postúpil vo svojej kariére. Tvoja budúca práca má napĺňal tvoje osobné, pracovné a finančné očakávania. Preto pozície budeme vyberať spolu, táto môže byť jedna z nich.

    S hľadaním novej práce a s prípravou na celý pohovor ti pomôže Slavomír Bača.

    Network Security Specialist /Palo Alto, Checkpoint/ 4 25 rokov v IT. Viac ako 15 rokov v Accenture ako vývojár, technický team leader, architekt a senior manažér. Viedol SW vývoj v Tatra banke. Mentor Partners založil s víziou pomáhať IT profesionálom v ich kariére a podporovať IT komunitu na Slovensku.

    Already at the first interview Slavomir showed to me his interest for me as a person, and this approach lasts now for years. I really enjoy working with him.
    Ivan Poliačik, Project Manager

    Slavomir has a deep insight into current job situation in IT area. His valuable advice helped me to assess my opportunities in a realistic manner and adjust my expectations.
    Martin Hudo, IT Security Specialist

    Slavo gave me instruction how to update my CV and advised how to prepare for interview. Practical advice which worked very well.
    Martin Antalic, Software Engineer


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    Nie sme personálna agentúra, máme za sebou niekoľko desiatok IT a biznis projektov. Preto poznáme firmy v oblasti a ich skutočné požiadavky. Chceme ľuďom pomáhať rásť a firmám efektívnejšie pracovať. Máme portál, aby sme umožnili zdieľanie znalostí a skúseností z IT sveta. Zvyčajne veľmi dobré poznáme prostredie našich klientov, a preto vieme poradiť a usmerniť každého záujemcu o pracovnú pozíciu tak, aby sa očakávania stretli a všetky strany boli spokojné. Rozumieme IT, a preto vieme poradiť a nájsť vhodnú pracovnú pozíciu zodpovedajúcu skúsenostiam, znalostiam a ambíciám každého z Vás. Každý záujemca je pravidelne informovaný o stave a výsledkoch procesu. Chcete sa presvedčiť? Napíšte na mail: [email protected]