Podujatia.NET Bratislava Meetup #20

.NET Bratislava Meetup #20

.NET Bratislava Meetup #20 2

This meetup is held in Slovak, but we are ready to switch to English if someone doesn’t speak Slovak..NET Bratislava Meetup is a monthly meetup organized by .NET enthusiasts in Bratislava. Learn more at https://net-ba.github.io/
Event is supported by robime.it & TrustPay

📍 Polly – .NET Resiliency and Transient-fault-handling Library
by Štefan Dobrovolný
Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner. Štefan will provide an overview of the library and share his experience using it.

📍 Introduction to Quantum Computing and Microsoft Q# Language
by Michal Bubnár
Quantum computing has been something that I considered sci-fi or a thing of the future. But it’s becoming more real every day and today you can already try out quantum computing by yourself.
In this session, I would like to present some basics of quantum computing, a bit of theory behind it and a real-world example of a quantum algorithm.
Finally, we will have a look at Q# language, that is being developed by Microsoft for writing quantum algorithms and how to set it up in Visual Studio.

📍 Speaker:
🎤 Štefan Dobrovolný
🎤Michal Bubnár Michal has been developing since his teenage years when he experimented with OpenGL and games creation (which he still considers as his hobby today). He works as a Software Developer for almost 9 years now. He has 7 years of C++ experience and in the last 3 years, he got into the .NET world.

📍 Agenda:
• Intro (5 min)
• Polly – .NET Resiliency and Transient-fault-handling Library (50 minutes)
• Break 🍺🥪 (10 min)
• Introduction to Quantum Computing and Microsoft Q# Language (50 minutes)
• Outro (5 min)
• Networking

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