Angular Test Engineer

    • Živnosť/sro
    • Bratislava
    • Termín nástupu: 05.04.2021
    • Plat: od 1600€
    • Žiadosti boli uzavreté
    • Kombinácia



    Implementation of new features into Angular frontend application and bug fixing
    Development of new test scripts and scenarios (unit tests and End-To-End tests)
    Maintaining of existing tests, reporting of test results and bugs
    Creation of test strategies (what to test, define test parameters, how tests should be executed, …)
    Opportunity to get experience with backend development (APIs or message queuing systems), cloud technologies (Amazon Web Services), Elastic stack, multiple database systems (relation, non-relational databases, …)


    Javascript / Typescript, HTML, CSS + Sass CSS Preprocessors
    Angular (version 9+)
    RESTful API web services
    Tools: NodeJS, NPM, Git
    Experience with Frontend Unit testing and End-To-End testing with Protractor
    Independent with good communication skills, team player

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