Position: Java Cloud Developer
Contract type: Full-Time
Location: Bratislava
Salary: From 1800- 2700 EUR/monthly
- Build and maintain a cloud-native web application on AWS and custom Java Development frameworks;
- Iterative prototyping for key pages to optimize and simplify the user experience;
- Cloud native: AWS managed services
- DevOps: ADOP, Docker, Terraform, Serverless
- Prototyping: AdobeXD
- Webserver: Apache
- Java services and REST APIs: Spring boot and ecosystem
- Front-end: Reactive web app using Angular
- Oracle Enterprise RAC
- Multisport card which grants access to hundreds of different
- gyms, studios, and swimming pools
- 3 Extra Days off
- Sick leave compensation
- Family-oriented benefits (Wedding and New baby bonus, Inhouse daycare)
- German language bonus up to 400€ monthly/gross
- Cafeteria – Budget for benefits based on your choice
- Transparent bonus structure
Nájdeme Ti nových kolegov a prácu, aby si postúpil vo svojej kariére. Tvoja budúca práca má napĺňal tvoje osobné, pracovné a finančné očakávania. Preto pozície budeme vyberať spolu, táto môže byť jedna z nich.
S hľadaním novej práce a s prípravou na celý pohovor ti pomôže Slavomír Bača.
25 rokov v IT. Viac ako 15 rokov v Accenture ako vývojár, technický team leader, architekt a senior manažér. Viedol SW vývoj v Tatra banke. Mentor Partners založil s víziou pomáhať IT profesionálom v ich kariére a podporovať IT komunitu na Slovensku. |
Already at the first interview, Slavomir showed to me his interest for me as a person, and this approach lasts now for years. I really enjoy working with him.
Ivan Poliačik, Project Manager
Slavomir has a deep insight into current job situation in IT area. His valuable advice helped me to assess my opportunities in a realistic manner and adjust my expectations.
Martin Hudo, IT Security Specialist
Slavo gave me instruction how to update my CV and advised how to prepare for interview. Practical advice which worked very well.
Martin Antalic, Software Engineer