Insights Product Manager

    • TPP
    • Bratislava
    • Plat: od 3000€
    • Žiadosti boli uzavreté
    • On-Site

    Position: Insights Product Manager
    Contract type: TPP
    Location: Bratislava
    Salary: from 3000+ EUR

    Primary Job Functions:

    • Manages entire Insights Product – Deriving set of workspace data insights, office space user behavior insights, turning them into space experience, productivity & user satisfaction boost.
    • Responsible for Insights product design & development including methodology and external vendor management.
    • Co-ordinates creation and long-term management of entire data stack together wit data management team of IT department.
      Supports business-case driven data insights use-cases together with commercial lead and Leasing department.
    • Manages internal workspace insights strategy,
    • Manages Relationship with vendors, suppliers, technical partners and other stakeholders necessary for delivering an integrated data solution.
    • Identifies trends, patterns, opportunities for product differentiation and unique selling points. Also identifies on-going opportunities for data stream-lining.
      Ensures creation and transfer of knowledge about Insights Product into team.

    Candidate Experience:

    • 6-10 years work experience in Business Intelligence, Management Consulting
    • English – advanced level

    Insights Product Manager 2

    Mentor Partners

    We will help you find new colleagues and job opportunities to take a step forward in your career. We want your future project to meet your personal, business and financial expectations. We are IT people. We can assess which opportunities will be right for you and how to present your strengths properly.

    I would like to strongly recommend Mentor partners as a great cooperative and professional collaborator. I need to say whole HR team worked very well under the lead of Slavo. I am really grateful I had opportunity to work with him and his team. For my professional carrier this was one of the best contracts which had been significantly managed by him from beginning to end.
    Martin Bajla, Oracle Developer

    Slavomír Bača will help you find new opportunities.

    Insights Product Manager 4 25 years in IT. More than 15 years in Accenture as a Developer/ Technical Team Leader/ Solution Architect. Head of SW development at Tatra banka. He founded portal under Mentor Partners with the vision to help IT professionals in their careers and support the IT community in Slovakia.

    Already at the first interview Slavomir showed to me his interest for me as a person, and this approach lasts now for years. I really enjoy working with him.
    Ivan Poliačik, Project Manager

    Slavomir has a deep insight into current job situation in IT area. His valuable advice helped me to assess my opportunities in a realistic manner and adjust my expectations.
    Martin Hudo, IT Security Specialist

    Slavo gave me instruction how to update my CV and advised how to prepare for interview. Practical advice which worked very well.
    Martin Antalic, Software Engineer

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    Nie sme personálna agentúra, máme za sebou niekoľko desiatok IT a biznis projektov. Preto poznáme firmy v oblasti a ich skutočné požiadavky. Chceme ľuďom pomáhať rásť a firmám efektívnejšie pracovať. Máme portál, aby sme umožnili zdieľanie znalostí a skúseností z IT sveta. Zvyčajne veľmi dobré poznáme prostredie našich klientov, a preto vieme poradiť a usmerniť každého záujemcu o pracovnú pozíciu tak, aby sa očakávania stretli a všetky strany boli spokojné. Rozumieme IT, a preto vieme poradiť a nájsť vhodnú pracovnú pozíciu zodpovedajúcu skúsenostiam, znalostiam a ambíciám každého z Vás. Každý záujemca je pravidelne informovaný o stave a výsledkoch procesu. Chcete sa presvedčiť? Napíšte na mail: [email protected]